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Holy Trinity C of E Primary School

Holy Trinity C of E Primary School

Learn Together, Shine Together

Learn Together, Shine Together

Worship Committee


Prayer Space Launch

"We took part in Worship on Tuesday 23rd January with Reverend Fleur.  We gave the classes a creative task to complete based on Snowflakes.  Each snowflake is unique and different - just like us! 

Every class will be visiting the prayer space this week to hang their snowflakes up and celebrate how truly wonderful they we all are.

Holy Trinity Worship Updates

On Monday 27th November, a lovely man called Dave came into school and led our assembly. He came with his robot friend called Borris.

We learnt about good choices and how to keep our heart healthy. We were told interesting facts about how many hearts different animals have. Did you know worms have 5 hearts?

Borris was so clever! He told us that our brains are cleverer than computers. The most important this we've learnt is that we've only got one heart - so we should look after it properly by letting love out but to also let love in. As a Christians we are reminded to do this by following Jesus's example and our christian values. 


Prayer Space

Following the hugely successful Prayer Space event we had in the summer term, we are very excited to be opening our new permanent prayer space on Tuesday 23rd January.  Fleur and our worship team will be leading our special opening in Daily Worship and you are all invited to attend.


Each Thursday morning from 8.30 – 9.00 we will be opening the Prayer Space for anyone who would like to join us to pray for our school or if you would like us to pray for you.  If you have anything you would like us to pray for, please put your prayer request in the prayer box in the school entrance.


Philippians 4:6-7

6 Don't worry about anything, but in all your prayers ask God for what you need, always asking him with a thankful heart. 7 And God's peace, which is far beyond human understanding, will keep your hearts and minds safe in union with Christ Jesus.


Commissioning Service 

On 13th December, we were very honoured to have a commissioning service at St. Peter’s Church for our head teacher, Kathryn Bolton.  This is the first time a primary head teacher has had such a service, so it was a real privilege for us to be the trail blazers for this.  The service was led by Rev Fleur with Bishop Philip, the Bishop of Burnley, giving the message and commissioning Mrs Bolton.  Children from Holy Trinity Worship, our Worship team, read Scriptures and prayers. The whole school attended including staff, children and several parents. It was a very meaningful service in which we were all reminded of the great privilege we have of being in a Church of England school and that God is with us in everything we do and He has a great future planned for all of us. We look forward to the bright future we have ahead at Holy Trinity.

The Blessing of Holy Trinity School

On Tuesday 28th November 2017 our special friend Reverend David came into our school to lead a very special assembly to bless the school and all the people in it.

David blessed the whole school individually and the Worship Team showed a power point about school life in Holy Trinity. This gave us the opportunity to thank everyone for everything they do, as part of the Holy Trinity family.

The Holy Trinity Worship team presented a powerpoint on school life and we thanked everyone in our school for eveything they do.

We sang hymns and celebrated how wonderful  we are, we enjoyed every moment of our special assembly.