School Events
100% Attendance Day: Thursday 16th January 2025
Christmas Discos
Our Christmas Discos are on 14th December!
EYFS/KS1 3.45-4.45pm
KS2 5-6pm
Tickets are £2 per child, food is included in the price. Please ensure school are aware of any allergies your children have.
Christmas Nativity
This year our Nativity is called Hey Ewe! Our Nativity is on Wednesday 13th December at 2pm in the school hall, please come to the office for tickets. Refreshments will be on sale.
Open Day 11th October 2023
Our first open day takes place on 11th October. You are welcome to visit throughout the day. There will be a presentation from Mrs Bolton, headteacher, at 1.30 pm and 6 pm. Everyone welcome.
Mothers Day 2023
We celebrated Mothers Day this year by inviting Mums and
Grandmothers in for breakfast with their children. We made Bacon and Sausage Sandwiches, served Croissants and had plenty of tea and coffee.
KS1 invited their Mums and Grandmothers in to decorate plant pots and plant Sunflower seeds. We will ask them to enter their Sunflowers into the Sunflower Competition in the Summer.
World Book Day 2023
For World Book Day our children came into school in their pyjamas and brought their favourite book with them. We invited parents and families in to share a story with their children.
Children's Mental Health Week 2023
For Children's Mental Health week we invited parents/carers/families in for an Art Session.
Remembrance Day 2022
Three of our Year 6 children visited Darwen Cemetry and laid a Poppy Wreath the school had made out of respect. They also visited our adopted soldiers grave.
Parents Mental Health Week
For Parents Mental Health Week we invited parents in for a coffee morning. One of our mums stated "Thank you for this, this mum needed that today"
School Council Event - I'm a Teacher Get me out of Here!
Our lucky teachers had the challenge to collect as many stars as they could from the gruesome challenges that our school council set them.