Remote Learning
As a staff we are committed to ensuring our children continue to learn at Holy Trinity Primary School. We will endeavour to support our learners at this time and continue to learn and grow through remote learning in case of absence or bubble closures. Remote learning is where pupils cannot be physically present at school. As children cannot access school to learn, their learning will take place online at home. Children are expected to complete the work set. Work will be set by teachers using a learning platform e.g. Purple Mash or MyMaths. These are websites children use regularly. The passwords needed have been given to parents and children. Activities will be completed online and teachers will be able to see it. Teachers will be able to monitor children’s engagement in activities and check their understanding. There is also a general bank of website links on the Remote Learning page of the school website that teachers may refer to when setting work. Pupils will be provided with a suggested timetable for the week to ensure that they are given routines in order to learn at home. Children thrive off routine and structure so this may help when learning at home. We understand that this cannot be followed at all times and is a suggested timetable. There will be access to the work on the Class Pages section on our website. This will give parents and pupils a list of resources for learning and outline expectations. Each child will be issued with set pieces of work to complete following a class video call with their teacher or adult from their class. Their responses will be sent to the teacher via Purple Mash, who will mark their work and provide feedback.
Click the icon above to open the webpage. Each pupil has a unique login to each of the above platforms. Please contact your teacher if you do not have these details.
Useful Links
In addition to the platforms above, the following list has been created with websites to further support learning. All the websites are secure, trustworthy and age-appropriate.
Our children are going to spending more time online so it is important to continue to keep them safe. Try using this time to learn more about staying safe when online.