Lewis Class
Curriculum Overview
Lewis Class
Mrs Jenkins and Mrs Grady
Support staff: Mrs Morgan, Mrs Cummings and Mrs Lucas
Welcome to the Lewis Class page. Our class is named after the very famous children's author, C.S Lewis, who wrote 'The Chronicles of Narnia'.
The British writer C.S. Lewis is famous for writing a series of books called The Chronicles of Narnia. Lewis wrote many other books, including poetry, science fiction, and books about Christianity.
Clive Staples Lewis was born on November 29, 1898, in Belfast, Ireland. As a child, he missed a lot of school due to illness. In 1916 he went to University College in Oxford, England. He left school for a time to fight in World War I with the British Army. After college, he became a teacher.
Spring 1
This half term our English lessons will be based on Seal Surfer by Michael Foreman.
Walking on the cliffs with his grandfather in spring, a young boy witnesses a seal's birth, watches its growth, and in the summer is rescued by it when surfing. By the next spring, grandfather comes no more, and the seals are gone, but in the summer the young seal returns with her own pup, as the boy will return in the future with his own grandchildren. We will use this text to write reports and letters this half term.
Children will also complete spellings using Spelling Frame, which is accessible online. We will send home children's login details so that all the activities can be completed at home too. The children will bring paper copies of their spelling lists home each Friday.
In Maths we follow the 'White Rose' scheme. This half term we will be focussing on multiplication and division. In lower key stage 2 it is particularly important that the children know all of their times tables off by heart. We will be sending home times tables for the children to practise and there is a link to some of the games that we play in class so that you can keep learning at home.
Topic, Art and DT
In topic this half term we will be studying History and our topic is Ancient Egypt and during Art we will be creating Ancient Egyptian scrolls.
Our Science lessons this half term are all about light.
PE will take place on Friday, with swimming lessons on Thursday. The children are expected to come to school in their PE kit on Friday only. This includes:
- Black/navy/dark grey jogging bottoms or tracksuit bottoms
- White T-shirt
- School cardigan/ Jumper
- black trainers
Please can we ask that all parents ensure PE kit and uniform all have names written in them so that they don’t get lost.
Swimming is Thursday. Children with long hair must wear a swimming hat; girls must wear a full costume; and boys wear swimming shorts or trunks.
Religious Education
In Luke’s gospel we read
“What is impossible with men is possible with God.”
In RE this half term we will be looking at the life of Jesus and reflecting on how he had/has an impact on people's lives. We will think about how Jesus changed lives? How he healed hearts, minds and spirits.
Home Reading
Children should read regularly every day. This is the most important homework the children have. Listen to your child read for about ten minutes and then ask them questions about what they have just read. Please sign the bookmark that your child has with their book. These will be collected at the end of each week and new ones given out. It is also important that children experience a wide variety of reading books at home, as well as school. Books need to be returned to school every day as we will endeavour to hear your child read at least once a week and change the books when we do this.
We love to read in Lewis class. We choose books for pleasure from our class library and the larger school library each week. The posters below some of the books that we have in school and give you some idea about books you could borrow from our fantastic local library in Darwen. If any of them appeal to you and you can't find them just ask Mrs Jenkins and she will find a copy for you to borrow. There is a link to the school reading list website at the bottom of this page. This half term we will spend time reading and enjoying The Iron Man by Ted Hughes and poetry by Joseph Coelho.
Homework will be sent out every Friday, and children will have until the following Friday to complete this. Homework will include online 'Spelling Frame' activities, times tables sheets and reading activities. We expect children to be reading with parents/guardians several times a week to practise their skills.
We encourage the children to bring a water bottle into school in case they are thirsty throughout the day. It is really important that they are kept hydrated, so it is so much easier if they have their own water bottle in school.
As your child’s teachers, we are here if you ever need us so please don’t hesitate to contact the school on 01254 702119. Lines are open 8am-4.00pm. Please click on the curriculum map for Spring 1 to see additional information about our learning this half term.