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Holy Trinity C of E Primary School

Holy Trinity C of E Primary School

Learn Together, Shine Together

Learn Together, Shine Together

Peer Mediators



Our peer mediators are all from Year 6, Shakespeare Class. The role of the peer mediator is to be a role model for other pupils in all that we do inside and out of school. Our peer mediators are often chosen to show visitors around the school and help out at school events. Every lunch time they support around school in alternating roles to helps others. 

  • Our Peer Mediators always try their best to live by the British Values and promote our Christian values.

  • They are here to help everyone!

  • They respect Holy Trinity school, its staff and children.

  • They ensure our school values of respect, effort and kindness are upheld all around school

  • They become a role model for younger children.

  • They are a listening ear for those who are upset.