RSE Parent Questionnaire
From September 2020, all primary schools will be required to teach Relationships Education. Schools will be required to have a policy, published on their website, setting out how they intend to approach the subject. Due to school closures because of Covid-19 outbreak the guidance is to implement this as soon as possible. (Schools will also be required to teach Health Education – they are not required to have a policy on this, but may do so if they wish.)
Both parents and our school play a key role in the education of our children. We therefore encourage parents to be involved in their child’s education in schools. We deliver a broad and balanced curriculum that will prepare pupils for life in modern Britain. Constructive dialogue between school staff and parents about that curriculum, as well as other aspects of the school’s activities, supports mutual understanding and ultimately benefits the progress of pupils.
For Holy Trinity, this consultation process is about us providing formal channels through which you as parents can express your views about certain aspects of the school’s work. Before we plan the curriculum for Relationships and Sexual education we wish to gather the opinions of both pupils and parents to create this child centered learning. Please read the attached guidance from the Department of Education, and complete the survey below. If you are not able to complete the survey online a paper copy can be requested from the school office.