Design and Technology
Design and Technology at Holy Trinity Primary School...
The D&T Curriculum at Holy Trinity Primary School
D&T is a curriculum subject that teaches children about the design of a range of objects, how certain working parts are made and how to join, fix and use materials effectively. Children learn to assemble, disassemble, plan, construct and evaluate. It enables children and young people to actively contribute to the creativity, culture, and well-being of themselves. It teaches how to take risks and so become more resourceful, innovative, enterprising and capable.
At Holy Trinity Primary School, we value Design Technology as an integral part of the curriculum. We believe that by developing design technology we can contribute to the quality of our children’s lives, both within and beyond school giving them skills which will help them in later life. Design and technology helps to prepare children for the developing world. The subject encourages children to become creative problem-solvers, both as individuals and as part of a team. Through the study of design and technology they combine practical skills with an understanding of aesthetic, social and environmental issues. Design and Technology helps all children to become discriminating and informed consumers and potential innovators. It should assist children in developing a greater awareness and understanding of how everyday products are designed and made.
As a school we use Kapow as our learning tool. Kapow suits the needs of all children at Holy Trinity. At the beginning of each lesson, there is a ‘recap and recall’ part, which enables children to build layers in their knowledge, and heighten confidence in the subject. This enables our children to flourish and feel enthusiastic about their learning/projects.
Children will be given the opportunity to revisit 6 key areas whilst at Holy Trinity.
These areas are:
- Cooking and nutrition*
- Textiles
- Mechanisms/Mechanical systems
- Structures
- Electrical systems (KS2 only)
- Digital world (KS2 only)
We use a variety of teaching and learning styles in design and technology lessons. Teachers ensure that the children apply their knowledge and understanding when responding to design briefs and scenarios. The children will design, create and evaluate their product over a unit. Each part of the process is underpinned with technical knowledge which encompasses the contextual, historical, and technical understanding for each strand. However, cooking and nutrition* focus on skills and techniques in food, including where food comes from, diet, and seasonality. We teach our lessons through a mixture of whole class teaching and individual/group activities. All ideas will be treated with respect. Children critically evaluate their own work and that of others. They can use a wide range of materials and resources.