Inspection Reports
'The development of the school’s mission statement, ’Learn together, shine together,’ has been highly effective in ensuring that Christian distinctiveness is firmly at the core of all aspects of school life. This, along with the focus on their explicit Christian ‘High 5 values’: courage, compassion, trust, thankfulness and friendship, provide firm foundations for all aspects of school.' SIAMS 2018
'The school’s extensive focus on nurture and care is demonstrated in the commitment to pastoral support for families in need.' SIAMS 2018
'Collective worship is inclusive, inspirational, valued by all and central to school life. Worship defines the ethos of the school and challenges everyone to aspire to live out its Christian values. Recent extensive focus on the school’s ‘High 5 values’ has united the community after an unsettled period and has had a positive impact on behaviour and relationships on all levels.' SIAMS 2018
"The school has now secured inspirational, passionate and dedicated Christian leadership that has improved all aspects of school life significantly since appointment. Attendance is improving due to the outreach and support now provided to families. Improvement in academic achievement is also evident, particularly in writing and maths. Staff are committed to school improvement and trust the Christian leadership of the school.' SIAMS 2018
'Parents are supportive of the leadership of the school and this is evident in the most recent survey. They also value the Christian distinctiveness of the school, in particular in terms of the Christian values that it promotes.' SIAMS 2018
'The headteacher aspires for the school to ‘become a beacon on the hill to shine over the community that it serves.’ Governors, staff, parents and pupils are now fully committed and have made significant strides to live out this aspiration.' SIAMS 2018