Our Vision And Mission Statements
Learn Together, Shine Together
At Holy Trinity, our vision is that every person in our school community is able to flourish and live life in all its fullness. Everyone needs to know that they are cherished and loved by God. All will be provided with the best possible opportunities to learn, work hard and shine together. We support each other as we learn to live out Christian values, making our school a happy, friendly and safe place to be.
Our Vision Statement is based upon our three foundation scriptures:
'Planted in the house of the Lord, they will flourish in the courts of our God.'
Psalm 92 verse 13
'I have come that you might have life - life in all its fullness.'
John 10 verse 10
'Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good work and glorify your Father in Heaven.'
Matthew 6 verse 16
Our Mission Statement
Holy Trinity is a Church of England school where Christian values are integral to all we do. Each individual is welcomed into our caring community as part of God’s family and given the opportunity to flourish, whatever their background or ability. We model respect for others through open and honest communication with all stakeholders and transparent decision making. In celebrating diversity, we cherish everyone’s special qualities and foster an ethos of tolerance and respect for self and others in our school which is part of the local and worldwide church.
As educators we provide a safe and nurturing environment based on the core Christian values, developed by our children: friendship; courage; compassion; trust and thankfulness. We are committed to meeting the needs of all our pupils through a broad, vibrant, rich curriculum which provides opportunities for all to excel in different ways. We foster the curiosity, creativity, innovation, perseverance and resilience that children need to be independent learners who ask questions and seek answers.
The Safeguarding, protection and welfare of all who work and learn at Holy Trinity are central to our decision making, guiding the recruitment of high quality staff who are respectful of our Christian values and able to give our children and their families the very best experience of school. Always seeking to improve on our previous best, teachers, support staff and governors work with our school community to hone professional skills, improve effectiveness and make responsible use of financial and other resources. Through systematic self-evaluation and performance management, professional learning opportunities promote staff well-being and development in order to give our children a life-long love of learning that prepares them to thrive in a diverse and ever-changing society where the future is unknown and where flexibility and problem solving skills are essential.
We are committed to academic excellence, raising aspirations and equipping children with the confidence and skills to follow in the footsteps of Jesus demonstrating God’s love for the world through active citizenship.
Our School Aims
- Together we will provide a safe, secure, caring environment where children have a clear understanding of rights and responsibilities.
- Together we will provide a rich curriculum to inspire children to enjoy and achieve.
- Together we will provide opportunities to find out about faith, ourselves, other people and places around the world.
- Together we will develop life skills to respond to the challenges and changes in our future lives.
Our School Rules
To show Kindness
To show Respect
To put in maximum Effort