Christian Values and Beliefs
Our school has a positive and inclusive approach to managing behaviour based upon our core Christian values of friendship, compassion, courage, forgiveness and thankfulness. We believe strongly in encouraging good behaviour through encouraging children to reflect upon these values and using a range of positive behaviour management strategies.
Through this positive approach we aim to pre-empt inappropriate behaviour, thus enabling us to focus on appropriate behaviour. We believe strongly in the importance of promoting and praising good behaviour.
We put great emphasis on the importance of interacting with others in respectful ways through speech, actions and relationships.
We aim to provide care and support for our children in helping them to learn how to manage their behaviour appropriately. Teachers and all paid staff with responsibility for pupils have the power to discipline pupils for misbehaviour which occurs in school and in some circumstances outside of school.
We give children choices and make it clear as to the consequences of the choices they make.
We believe that children have rights and responsibilities.
Children have the right to be safe, treated politely and to learn without disruption. Children have the responsibility to care for themselves, other people and their school.
We expect all children, staff and parents to:
Treat each other with courtesy and consideration, by treating others as we wish to be treated ourselves.
Talk and listen to one another in order to understand and respect each other, making sure we gain a full picture of the events and do not jump to conclusions.
Be fair and consistent to each other however we recognise that by treating people fairly we may not treat everyone the same.
Value, take pride in and care for the school by looking after school property and equipment.
School Rules
In our school we follow the Golden Rules for behaviour.
These are:
Anti-bullying at Holy Trinity
To raise awareness of bullying and create a school climate which encourages children to disclose and discuss incidences of bullying behaviour:
To bring about conditions in which bullying is less likely to happen in the future
To reduce and, if possible, to eradicate instances of all types of bullying
To clarify the reporting processes
To prevent, de-escalate and/or stop any continuation of harmful behaviour
To react to bullying incidents in a reasonable, proportionate and consistent way
To safeguard the pupil who has experienced bullying and to trigger sources of support for the pupil
To provide support for the perpetrator whilst developing strategies to enable perpetrators to be accountable for their behaviour
All governors, teaching and non-teaching staff, pupils and parents should have an understanding of what bullying is.
All governors, teaching and non-teaching staff should know what the school policy is on bullying, and follow it when bullying is reported.
All pupils and parents should know what the school policy is on bullying and what they should do if bullying behaviour arises.
As a school we take bullying behaviour seriously. Pupils and parents should know that they will be supported when bullying is reported.
Whole school initiatives (staff training, celebration assemblies etc) and proactive teaching strategies (PSHE Ed lessons, circle time etc) will be used throughout the school to reduce the opportunities for bullying to occur.
A positive, caring ethos will be created within the school environment where everyone can work, play and express themselves, free from the fear of being bullied.