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Holy Trinity C of E Primary School

Holy Trinity C of E Primary School

Learn Together, Shine Together

Learn Together, Shine Together




'Collective worship is inclusive, inspirational, valued by all and central to school life.Worship defines the ethos of the school and challenges everyone to aspire to live out its Christian values.  Recent extensive focus on the school’s ‘High 5 values’ has united the community after an unsettled period and has had a positive impact on behaviour and relationships on all levels.'  SIAMS 2018




At Holy Trinity we aim for our worship to:

  • be inspiring and transformational

  • include a range of creative opportunities, e.g. music, silence, symbol, drama

  • develop the Christian vision, values and ethos of the school.

We aim to use the creative arts to engage children as active participants and to involve them as much as possible in the process of planning, leading and evaluating the impact of worship.


To this end we have a team of Worship leaders.

Please click on the following link to find out more about our Worship Team:

Our worship is routed in the Bible and our Christian Values that build character and inform attitudes and behaviour consistent with the teaching of Jesus Christ. 

"This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.

John 15.12


When planning worship in school we use a Christian collective worship resource known as 'Roots and Fruits'. Over a period of two years, we focus on 12 Christian Values which are also integrated into our whole curriculum and behaviour management policy.



Collective Worship at Holy Trinity CE Primary School


Monday          Whole school Collective Worship 1:00pm - 1:25pm  led by the headteacher        

Tuesday          Whole school Collective Worship 1:00pm - 1:25pm led by Clergy or a member of the teaching staff    


Wednesday     Praise and Worship 1:00pm - 1:25pm led by a member of the teaching staff                 

Thursday        Class worship led by the class teacher                          

Friday             Celebration Worship 3.00pm -3.30pm led by the headteacher      



Worship at St Peter's Church

Our school is linked to St Peter's church. As well as the clergy leading acts of worship in school, children regularly visit St Peter's church, Darwen throughout the year to lead or participate in acts of worship. Services include:

  • Harvest Festival

  • Y6 Communion Service

  • Christmas Carol Service

  • Easter Service

  • Leavers' Service



For more information: 

Rev Alison Mitchell (Vicar)

St. Peter's Church

Church Street


Lancashire BB3 3HE


01254 703929

Class worship

All classes are given the responsibility of leading worship to the whole school. We have had some fantastic lessons and find learning from each other really useful. The children perform their worships in the hall and on occasion in St Peter's Church. Our children are becoming more confident speakers in front of an audience and we are very proud of them. We find the children learn and retain the important messages when tasked with leading the worship.

War Memorial Talk

On 28th June, KS2 received a visit from Mrs Smith from the Commonwealth War Graves Commission.  Mrs Smith talked about how and why the commission was set up by Royal Charter in 1917.   The Commonwealth War Graves Commission (CWGC) honours the 1.7 million men and women of the Commonwealth forces who died in the First and Second World Wars, and ensures they will never be forgotten.

The children were fascinated by the information presented and listened attentively. 

Messy Pentecost

Blessed Hill Orphanage and School in Uganda

On Monday 22nd January 2018, we had a visit from Andy Williamson who told all about Blessed Hill orphanage and school In Uganda. The children there sent us a power point showing us round their school and have asked us to link with them.  Andy met with the school council after Daily Worship to talk about how we can support them and link with them. We plan to send a video of us singing to them and write letters. Later we will organise a fundraising event to buy them some classroom items such as pens and paper.  We are very excited about linking with them.

Commissioning Service

On 13th December, we were very honoured to have a commissioning service at St. Peter’s Church for our head teacher, Kathryn Bolton.  This is the first time a primary head teacher has had such a service, so it was a real privilege for us to be the trail blazers for this.  The service was led by Rev Fleur with Bishop Philip, the Bishop of Burnley, giving the message and commissioning Mrs Bolton.  Children from Holy Trinity Worship, our Worship team, read Scriptures and prayers. The whole school attended including staff, children and several parents. It was a very meaningful service in which we were all reminded of the great privilege we have of being in a Church of England school and that God is with us in everything we do and He has a great future planned for all of us. We look forward to the bright future we have ahead at Holy Trinity.

Prayer Space

Following the hugely successful Prayer Space event we had in the summer term, we are very excited to be opening our new permanent prayer space on Tuesday 23rd January.  Fleur and our worship team will be leading our special opening in Daily Worship and you are all invited to attend.


Each Thursday morning from 8.30 – 9.00 we will be opening the Prayer Space for anyone who would like to join us to pray for our school or if you would like us to pray for you.  If you have anything you would like us to pray for, please put your prayer request in the prayer box in the school entrance.


Philippians 4:6-7

6 Don't worry about anything, but in all your prayers ask God for what you need, always asking him with a thankful heart. 7 And God's peace, which is far beyond human understanding, will keep your hearts and minds safe in union with Christ Jesus.