Donaldson Class
The Early Years Curriculum
Please see our curriculum and information about how Early Years education is structured and developed in the EYFS page of the website. There are lots of key documents on there for you to have a look at.
One of the best-known figures in the children's book world - Julia Donaldson
Meet the Team
Miss Roberts - Reception/Year 1 Class Teacher
Mrs Thomas - EYFS Lead
Miss Hayes – 1:1 support
Miss Jenkins - 1:1 support
Mrs Riley - 1:1 support
Miss Cardoo - 1:1 support
Mrs Cummings - 1:1 support & PPA cover (Monday - Wednesday)
Mrs Townsend - 1:1 support (Wednesday - Friday)
Autumn 1
The topic that we will be exploring this half term is 'Marvellous Me'.
This will allow the children to explore who they are, where they come from and the things that matter to them, as well as immersing them in learning activities that will enable them to make great progress. We will be looking at at:
- My family
- My school
- My body
- My senses
- People who help me
- Harvest
- Autumn
This topic will be explored throughout indoor and outdoor continuous provision. Through exciting activities, oral retelling, and story mapping, we are excited to see them develop their skills. A tour of our school, walking to church for the first time and exploring different types of jobs are just a few of the things we are looking forward too in this topic.
The children will continue to learn to read and write through the phonics programme Read, Write Inc with daily sessions and additional reading throughout the week.
They will have maths focused tasks throughout the week and learn maths objectives through continuous provision and child-initiated learning.
The children are involved in a lot of different reading activities in school ranging from, the more formal Read, Write, Inc phonics sessions to the more informal story time sessions. They can enjoy books through continuous provision including the class reading corner, and guided reading session. Every child will bring home a school reading book which will be changed regularly. We won’t have set days for hearing specific children read so it is important that every child brings their reading book back to school each day please. Every time they get a new book, it is really important that they are given the opportunity to talk about the story as well as hear or try to read the text as they learn these skills. Please make a comment in their reading record book every time you hear them read (at least three times a week please).
Reading at School
During our topics we look at different books. These are the books we will be reading this half term.
- The Gruffalo by Julia Donaldson
- The Family Tree by Kate Ferdinand
- Keep Smiling by Flotilla Benjamin and Diane Ewen
- Funny Bones by Janet and Allen Alberg
- Ruby's Worry by Tom Percival
- The Scarecrow's Wedding by Julia Donaldson
- Owl Babies by Martin Waddell
Reading at Home
Top tips for reading with your child:
1. Play 'I Spy' games - Can you find words beginning with...?
Can you point to the ...?
What colour is .... coat?
How many ..... can you see?
2. Make it fun - Enjoy reading together.
- Put funny voices on for the characters to keep it engaging.
3. Create - Use reading to inspire drawings and fantastic creations.
4. Make space - Have a special time or a certain time that you read together.
Physical Education
In Early Years the curriculum focuses on children's physical development, teaching and developing the fundamental skills of movement, balance, coordination, flexibility and agility.
P.E lessons are on Tuesday afternoons. Please can the children come to school dressed in their P.E. kits on that day. We also ask that black trainers of pumps should be worn on this day.
Forest School
We are so lucky to have such extensive grounds at Holy Trinity and the children love their time at Forest School! Forest School lessons are on Wednesday afternoons. Please can the children come to school dressed in clothes they don't mind getting muddy on that day. We also ask that appropriate footwear should be worn on this day, wellies can come in a bag and be changed into on the day.
At Holy Trinity School, we believe it is important that the learning objectives are taken into the children's play as much as possible, so that they are fully engaged in their learning.
Continuous provision themes are loosely linked to current topics in both our indoor and outdoor classrooms. To ensure that we are providing high quality provision, we ensure that activities are linked with the guidance of Development Matters and reflect the statutory guidelines for EYFS.
They also very much reflect the interests of the children as we feel that this is the best way to keep the children engaged and enjoying the learning that is ongoing throughout each day.
The children will have weekly RE, PSHE, Music, Computing and PE lessons.